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Science Questions From Kids-Why Is The Sky Blue?

Science Questions From Kids-Why Is The Sky Blue?


We all have questions about the world around us. Here are some common questions and current answers.

Science Questions From Kids-Why Is The Sky Blue?

Science Questions From Kids-Why Is The Sky Blue?

Science Questions From Kids-Why Is The Sky Blue?

Science Questions From Kids-Why Is The Sky Blue?

Science Questions From Kids-Why Is The Sky Blue?

Why is the sky blue?

"The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosPh Meters (35.839 feet), in the Marianas Trench near Guam. If the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest (29.141 feet), were to be placed into thistrench, it would be covered by over 1.25 miles of water. "

Reference: edu/info/deepest-ocean.html

How was the moon formed?

"Two new studies bolster the popular theory that the moon formed from debris after a rogue planet smacked into Earth about 4.5 billion years ago."

Hint: Read the reference carefully to see how scientist think on this subject. No scientific knowledge is needed to understand this article.

Reference:/scienceastronomy/planetearth/moonwhack_main_000901.html space.com

What is the Big Bang theory?

The theory is that the universe was formed or created in space time at a singularity of extreme density and energy. Dark energy detected at microwave frequencies is evidence of such a release of energy. (The universewas formed everywhere at once from nothing according to a contact I had with those who know best.) The center of The universe does not exist and can not be determined. So they say. The theory may never be proved. Read the reference for a brief description.

Reference: liftoff. nasa.gov/academy/universe/b_bang.html msfc.

What is the highest mountain in our solar system?

"The highest mountain and volcano in the solar system is on the planet Mars. It is called Olympus Mons and is 16 miles (24 kiloMeters) high which makes it about three times higher than Mt. Everest. In addition to being very tall, it is also very wide (340 miles or 550 kiloMeters) and covers an area larger than the enTire chain of Hawaiian islands. Olympus Mons is a very flat mountain which slopes byonly 2 to 5 degrees. It is a shield volcano built up by eruptions of lava. "

Hint: Go to the reference to see a pic of this monster.

Reference: coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/cosmic_kids/olympusmons.shtml/AskKids

Where are the world's highest tides?

"The Bay of Fundy (New Brunswick, Canada) has the world's highest tides. They average about 45 feet (14 meters) in the northern part of the bay, far surpassing the world average of 2.5 feet (0.8 meters). "

Hint: Use the search box at the reference to find answers to other science questions.

Reference:/science-fact-finder/earth/where-worlds-highest-tides enotes.com

The End

Science Questions From Kids-Why Is The Sky Blue?
